What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent makeup procedure that allows artists to correct, enhance, or fully reconstruct an eyebrow. Eyebrow Microblading is performed by manually depositing pigment under the top layer of the skin using a special hand tool that holds a blade made up of many tiny needles. Microblading is comprised of individual, crisp hair strokes that are very natural-looking.

The pigment used in Microblading is deposited just under the epidermal layer of the skin, which is also the layer that naturally renews itself on a regular basis. For this reason, the results do soften and lighten over time, but usually last up to two years or more (varying from person to person). Regular touch ups every 2 - 3 years are recommended to keep the strokes crisp and fresh.


Nano, also known as “Machine Hair Strokes,” is the latest, best technique to achieve natural-looking hair strokes. Rather than using a blade with multiple needles, like microblading, nano uses a machine holding a single needle that the artist guides to create the hair strokes.

Microblading is only suited for very specific skin types. As long as someone is a candidate for permanent makeup (no contraindications), they are a good candidate for nano. Nano is great for all skin types, and it is the only good option for hair strokes for those with oily and/or mature skin.

Rather than making tiny cuts from beginning to end, which is what is done with microblading, nano creates hair strokes with tiny pixelated dots that form each line. This technique is more gentle on the skin and also yields an easier healing experience with less flaking and better retention.

Is permanent makeup Right for Me?

Permanent Makeup is the ideal cosmetic procedure for anyone desiring an eyebrow enhancement. Our satisfied clients seek to engage with Studio K Microblading for a variety of reasons including:

  • Relief from daily application of temporary brow makeup

  • Cost savings of brow enhancement supplies

  • Correction of uneven or thinning eyebrows

  • Trust of a certified professional to map a brow design based on numerous features including natural brow shape, brow bone, face width, facial features, and face shape

  • Desire to achieve natural-looking brows after experiencing hair loss due to medical treatments such as chemotherapy or conditions such as Alopecia