INITIAL Appointment
When you arrive for your initial appointment we will discuss your desired outcome for your brows. It is recommended to bring pictures of how you like your brows done or a picture of desired brows with you. We will decide on color based on your existing brow hair, desired color/result, and skin tone. Professional and thorough brow mapping using various measurement tools will be used to create an outline of the eyebrow shape. Once you approve of the outline, the brow procedure will begin. Numbing will be applied after the first pass over the brows and throughout the duration of the appointment. Before the conclusion of the appointment, we will discuss post-procedure instructions.
Your initial appointment is approximately 3 hours.
6-12 week TOUCH UP
You may want or need to return 6-12 weeks following your initial appointment for a perfecting touch up appointment. Some clients will find that their desired outcome for their brows is achieved in only one appointment. However, some clients may want or need a second appointment.
The same process as the original treatment can be expected; since we will follow the brow shape and color from initial treatment, the appointment will be slightly shorter. If darker pigment, more density, or any other slight adjustments are desired, this can be accomplished during the touch up.
Your 6-12 week touch up is approximately 1.5-2 hours.
Color Boosts are for returning clients once your brows have faded at least 50%. It is recommended to wait as long as possible before returning for a Color Boost. The more the pigment has faded, the better your results from a Color Boost will be.
The average time frame for when clients return for a color boost is 2-3 years. How long after your last appointment before a Color Boost depends on each individual client and factors such as age, metabolism, sun exposure, lifestyle, skin type, and genetics. Some clients will be able to wait 3+ years, especially those who did return for a 6-12 week touch up.
A Color Boost appointment will be structured very similarly to an initial appointment.
Your Color Boost is approximately 2.5-3 hours.